How Close Are We to the First Commercial Quantum Network?

September 27, 2024
How Close Are We to the First Commercial Quantum Network?

Quantum networking, which operates based on the principles of quantum mechanics, is expected to transform completely the accepted data transfer and protection paradigms. The potential of quantum networks is extremely enticing, given the promise of a super high level of security and computing ability, which can revolutionize telecommunications, finance, healthcare and practically every other area. But just how close are we to creating the first commercial quantum network? Let’s explore quantum networking in its current state, which problems need to be solved, and which advancements have been made toward the commercial use of this technology. 

Understanding the Quantum Network 

Fundamentally, a quantum network uses the processes of entanglement and superposition to convey data. Now, unlike classical networks that still employ bits as the basic unit, quantum networks employ quantum bits or qubits. These can exist in many states at one time, which results in novel opportunities for sending and altering information. 

The most exciting feature of quantum networks is quantum key distribution (QKD). Of all the existing communication techniques used to establish secure links to encrypt message transfers, QKD is unique in that it enables two parties to create a secret that is exclusive between them and use this for encoding and decoding messages when the need arises. Tampering with the key in any way would interfere with the quantum states and inform the parties involved about the attempted eavesdropping.

Current State of Quantum Networking

Research and Development

In the area of quantum networking, we’ve seen a lot of improvement. Teams worldwide focus on quantum communication’s various parts, including:

Quantum Repeaters: These devices help quantum communication reach longer distances. Unlike regular signals that you can just make louder, quantum signals require repeaters to work well over long distances.

Entanglement Distribution: There is a big push to send entangled qubits across long distances well. This is crucial for making big quantum networks.

Quantum Satellites: With projects like China’s Micius satellite, it’s been shown that quantum communication can span the distance from space to Earth. This project succeeded in sending entangled photons between space and a ground receiver.

Experimental Networks

There have been several experimental quantum networks set up with the purpose of integrating more of these networks. Notable examples include: 

DARPA’s Quantum Network: At the beginning of the new millennium, DARPA created one of the first quantum key distribution networks in the United States. 

The Quantum Internet Alliance: An ongoing project whose vision is to construct a Quantum Internet in Europe involving several cities and research facilities. 

Challenges to Commercial Deployment

Despite this recent progress, there are several major challenges that need to be addressed in order to build the first quantum network:

  1. Technical Challenges 

Qubit Stability: One of the significant challenges plaguing long distance and time scale efforts is the decoherence that affects the stability of qubits. 

Quantum Repeaters: It is crucial to identify highly efficient and scalable quantum repeaters for expanding the quantum network. 

Error Correction: Moreover, the quantum error correction code, which is used in quantum communications, should be improved to address the issue of error proneness with the quantum states. 

  1. Infrastructure and Integration 

Compatibility: On the quantum/reality front, the bricks-and-mortar of its networks have to be seamlessly compatible with their classical/Freeman predecessors. 

Standardization: Quantum Communication is vital to set up industry standards for framework constructs of such protocols. 

Cost: Quantum equipment and technology is still very expensive for commercial use, and this simply must change. 

  1. Security and Regulation 

Regulatory Frameworks: The development of strong regulatory policies that will uphold the protection and use of quantum networks is required. 

Cybersecurity: Having better security in a quantum network also means that one will have to take initial steps towards new kinds of threats that are quantum in nature.

The Road Ahead

Nevertheless, the way to the commercial quantum network is being gradually outlined. Government and private companies have made major investments in quantum research and development. 

In terms of government initiatives, current powerhouse nations such as the United States, China and members of the European Union are investing in big-budget quantum research programs. 

Currently, many IT giants including IBM, Google, Microsoft, and some specialized start-up companies are very aggressive in advancing quantum technology.

In April, Qunnect, a leader in quantum-secure networking technology, announced that GothamQ, its quantum network built on existing commercial fiber optic cable, surpassed previous performance metrics in enabling the distribution of polarization-based quantum entanglement. All while delivering exceptionally high rates of preservation and fidelity. 

“As we celebrate World Quantum Day, we are proud to showcase Qunnect’s first-in-class hardware as an example of the progress made in turning experimental innovations into commercial products”, said Noel Goddard, CEO of Qunnect.


The effort to build the first commercial quantum network is marked by both enthusiasm and challenges. Although the existing system is still plagued by many technological and infrastructural issues, progress in this field indicates that we are on the threshold of a quantum revolution in networking. 

Given the progress discussed above and the fact that pioneers are starting to deploy hybrid networks, the vision for a robust, high-performance quantum network is coming into focus. Experts agree that the first commercial quantum networks may appear within the current decade. The first ones will probably be quantum-classical architectures, integrating classical and quantum parts to take advantage of both. 

Early potential uses may be in the arenas of ultra-secure communication, the kind used by governments and large financial institutions; future applications will be spurred by increasing sophistication and ease of use, coupled with a drop in costs.

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