


Is it time to split the CISO role?

June 19, 2024

Via: CSO Online

Cybersecurity has gained a lot of space and attention in recent years and with that attention came legislations, regulations and a lot more scrutiny. One of the results of this is that CISOs have now more responsibilities that go beyond […]


A CISO game plan for cloud security

June 13, 2024

Via: CSO Online

As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud, chief information security officers (CISOs) face numerous critical challenges in ensuring robust cloud security. Don’t believe me? Experts highlighted this at the recent Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit. Gartner projects a significant […]


Improving cybersecurity culture: A priority in the year of the CISO

January 30, 2024

Via: CSO Online

Fostering a strong cybersecurity culture is recognized by those in the profession as a foundational element of creating a strong and healthy security program. However, recent research by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group and the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) found […]


Top US Gov’t CISO Details Zero-Trust Strategy Race

November 17, 2023

Via: Network Computing

If an enterprise wants a lesson in quickly forming a zero-trust strategy for a sprawling organization, they should look to the US federal government’s effort to make all agencies compliant by 2024. That’s what Chris DeRusha, who was appointed federal […]


Cyber attackers and defenders are racing to up their AI game

November 8, 2023

Via: CSO Online

Artificial intelligence’s power and fast evolution are rapidly altering the cybersecurity landscape in ways that pose opportunities and challenges to cybersecurity defenders. As popular AI tools such as ChatGPT and, more recently, even more robust generative AI systems become mainstays […]


Cybersecurity workforce shortage reaches 4 million despite significant recruitment drive

October 31, 2023

Via: CSO Online

The cybersecurity workforce shortage has risen to a record high of just under 4 million despite the cybersecurity workforce growing by almost 10% in the last year. That’s according to the latest Cybersecurity Workforce Study from ISC2, the nonprofit member […]


10 benefits of security performance metrics for CISOs

August 22, 2023

Via: CSO Online

Measuring security performance may not sound like the most exciting exercise on the CISO’s agenda, but the right metrics can deliver significant value to security leaders and go a long way to helping them tackle a diverse set of challenges. […]


Tasks that bog down security teams (and what to do about them)

August 21, 2023

Via: CSO Online

Most CISOs know the challenges that come with budget and staffing constraints, and they don’t see them going away anytime soon. Recent research supports their concern — Proofpoint’s 2023 Voice of the CISO report found that 58% of global CISOs […]


New CISO appointments 2023

July 21, 2023

Via: CSO Online

The upper ranks of corporate security are seeing a high rate of change as companies try to adapt to the evolving threat landscape. Many companies are hiring a chief security officer (CSO) or chief information security officer (CISO) for the […]


Why and how CISOs should work with lawyers to address regulatory burdens

July 19, 2023

Via: CSO Online

With regulatory scrutiny increasing, some CISOs are partnering with their organization’s legal counsel, seeking expert input to guide their compliance and risk minimization efforts. Chiara Portner, cybersecurity attorney with Hopkins & Carley, says lawyers play a crucial role in advising […]


How CISOs can balance the risks and benefits of AI

June 26, 2023

Via: CSO Online

The rapid pace of change in AI makes it difficult to weigh the technology’s risks and benefits and CISOs should not wait to take charge of the situation. Risks range from prompt injection attacks, data leakage, and governance and compliance. […]


Security culture improving in businesses despite factors holding teams back

June 15, 2023

Via: CSO Online

The vast majority of CISOs have observed positive security culture gains in their organizations in the last year despite a perceived dip in the quality of overall security posture, according to the 10th annual Information Security Maturity Report published by […]


What cybersecurity professionals can learn from the humble ant

May 22, 2023

Via: CSO Online

When an ant colony is threatened, individual ants release pheromones to warn of the impending danger. Each ant picking up the warning broadcasts it further, passing it from individual to individual until the full defenses of the colony are mobilized. […]


7 cybersecurity mindsets that undermine practitioners and how to avoid them

April 17, 2023

Via: CSO Online

It’s no secret that cybersecurity jobs are burning people out. It’s a high-pressure environment that ever seems to be ratcheting up the daily demand on security professionals. There are many reasons for this, but underlying them all is the way […]


Cyber threat intelligence programs: Still crazy after all these years

April 6, 2023

Via: CSO

When I asked CISOs about their cyber threat intelligence (CTI) programs about five years ago, I got two distinct responses. Large, well-resourced enterprises were investing their threat intelligence programs with the goal of better operationalizing it for tactical, operational, and […]


What CISOs Should Understand About the Zero Trust Security Model

February 10, 2023

Via: Network Computing

CISOs and CTOs have a more complicated job amid COVID-19 as McKinsey research reported that 58% of employees in the United States, which is around 92 million people, are currently working remotely at least part of the time. On top […]


How CISOs can manage the cybersecurity of high-level executives

January 19, 2023

Via: CSO

High-level executives, including board members and C-level executives, often have access to sensitive information, making them prime targets for bad actors looking to penetrate corporate defenses. Their personal devices, among other points of entry, are glaring attack vectors for cybercriminals […]


What’s Missing in Most CISO’s Security Risk Management Strategies

September 22, 2022

Via: CSO

At the foundation of cybersecurity is the need to understand your risks and how to minimize them. Individuals and organizations often think about risk in terms of what they’re trying to protect. When talking about risk in the IT world, […]


What does it mean for cybersecurity to “align with the business”?

May 27, 2022

Via: CSO

It is a common refrain among senior folks in enterprise cybersecurity: “We have to learn to align with the business.” Unfortunately, it seems like we spend most of our time trying to get the business to “align with cybersecurity” and […]


The Ukraine/Russia information war is forcing companies to choose a side

March 2, 2022

Via: CSO

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has a very visible aspect as we see Ukrainians stand and fight the Russian military might. The geopolitical landscape is changing by the hour, as more governments take action to restrict Russia’s ability to wage […]