


Cybersecurity professional job-satisfaction realities for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October 3, 2023

Via: CSO Online

Cybersecurity pros feel overworked, underpaid, and often ignored. Organizations must address these issues to maintain strong security, comply with cybersecurity mandates, and protect all our data October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), a 20-year US tradition dating back to […]


For networking pros, every month is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October 1, 2021

Via: Networkworld Security

When National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) was launched in October 2004, it was a modest affair, offering anodyne advice to individual Americans and US businesses along the lines of making sure to update your antivirus software twice a year. Since […]

Monitoring&Analysis, Security

How much security do you really need?

October 22, 2019

Via: Cisco Blog

Does money make you feel secure? Probably not if you’re a CISO. According to our new report, “The Security Bottom Line,” no matter how large your budget is, you’re not likely to feel that you have everything you need to […]

Monitoring&Analysis, Security

Phishing 101: Protection for Everyone

October 3, 2018

Via: Cisco Blog

Every October, we celebrate National Cybsersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). This NCSAM, the five weeks of October are focused on five separate cybersecurity themes: simple steps to online safety, cybersecurity in the workplace, prediction for tomorrow’s internet, consider a career in […]

Monitoring&Analysis, Security

Your Email Security Toolbox: Defense in Depth

October 1, 2018

Via: Cisco Blog

While email remains the #1 threat vector, the tools attackers use continues to evolve — we’re no longer dealing with annoying emails sent by amateurs. Instead, well-funded and persistent organized crime and nation states create vast email schemes. At the […]