
Tag: broadband service

Hardware, Technology

Google Fiber deploys Nokia’s 25G PON solution

October 26, 2023

Via: RCR Wireless News

Google Fiber is deploying Nokia’s 25G passive optical network (PON) solution to bolster its existing fiber network and deliver a new 20 Gig broadband service through its GFiber Labs, an innovation hub focused on improving home internet. According to Nokia, […]


FCC sets deadline for broadband consumer labeling

October 11, 2023

Via: RCR Wireless News

The Federal Communications Commission has laid out the deadlines for broadband service providers to put in place new consumer labeling that, much like nutrition labeling, is meant to give consumers a thorough and standardized view of broadband services so that […]


Why educational institutions need standardized wireless broadband solutions (Reader Forum)

November 11, 2022

Via: RCR Wireless News

Digitalization is rapidly transforming education at all levels. In K-12 schools, colleges and universities, the evolution of data-driven technologies has opened the door to a host of compelling online learning and campus operations applications. To take advantage of these applications, […]


One in five US households don’t have broadband. Most say they don’t want it.

October 13, 2022

Via: RCR Wireless News

Over the past several decades, the U.S. Census Bureau or other agencies have been asking Americans about their use of computers and the internet. Broadband access and usage has increasingly come to represent full participation in the modern economy, from […]


Average UK broadband speeds are faster than ever as full fibre makes an impact

September 9, 2021

Via: TechRadar

Investments in full fibre and cable infrastructure coupled with upgrades from customers has seen the average UK broadband speed to increase by a fifth since the start of the pandemic. Lockdown restrictions and social distancing measures have elevated the role […]


CCA analysis estimates that 5-7% of RDOF funds will go to areas that already have broadband service

May 6, 2021

Via: RCR Wireless News

The Competitive Carriers Association says that it has conducted analysis of awards in the Rural Digital Opportunities Fund and found that as much as $1 billion of the more than $20 billion, 10-year program may end up being directed to […]


FCC grants SpaceX permission to fly Starlink satellites at lower altitude to improve performance

April 28, 2021

Via: RCR Wireless News

SpaceX has been granted permission to fly its low-earth-orbit Starlink satellites at a reduced altitude, in part to improve the performance of the company’s satellite-based broadband service. The Federal Communications Commission granted the changes to SpaceX’s satellite broadband operations over […]